Review: A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas

Preface: Please don't @ me, SJM stans - I'm just sharing my opinion ty <3 

Okay so it's been a while since I've read this one but I my sentiments remain - there was so much seed that it could rival a cabbage farm. 

Okay I enjoyed Nesta and her relationship with Emrie and Gwyn, but that's really the only thing that I found good in this one. Also a +1 for pegasi entertainment too.

The word seed was mentioned more times than mate was in ACOFAS (A Court of Frost and Starlight), and geniunely I didn't need to hear the word everytime someone had some sort of sex. *shrugs* Cassian's roaring rates a mention because I think we get it by now.

There was definitely plenty of trigger warnings in this one, including suicidal ideation, torture porn, and graphic sex, gore, and rape.

Overall, it was a meh read to me, but if you loved it, I'm glad for you! :)

Rating: 3/5
