
Showing posts from November, 2022

Review: The Voidstalker Extraction

The Voidstalker Extraction by Liv Evans My rating: 5 of 5 stars An excellent sci-fi, full of adventure! I enjoyed the universe, and felt that it was definitely something had me hooked into this one whilst flying in a big metal bird (that's right - I read this one in a single sitting, between Sydney and Auckland!) I cannot wait for book 2 in the series! NOTE: I was given a copy by one of the authors for review, and this has not by any way influenced my review. View all my reviews

Review: The Deep

The Deep by Rivers Solomon My rating: 3 of 5 stars I'm not sure how to put this one. It's unique. And I liked it. But I only really retained the vibe from it, given it has such a slow pace. Rating: 3.25/5 View all my reviews