Review: Being Black 'n Chicken, & Chips by Matt Okine

 I found this one to be a humourous take on a pre-pubsecent boy who's been hit by a tragic circumstance. It had its sad bits, it had cringey bits, but it had its heart centred around family - and that's what I liked best about Being Black 'n Chicken, & Chips. 

The story was well formed, and this teen adapted version is definitely something that could be chosen as a book to read in school, given its content and a lot of meaning that I'm sure English teachers would like to see written about in essays. I also found that the questions provided with the Tandem readalong made me think more deeply about the happenings of this one, and therefore I definitely felt more invested into it!

Overall, I believe this to be an excellent book to read, whether you're 12 or 112, and looking for a tragic story with a humourous twist.

Rating: 4/5

Note: I received a copy of the TEEN adaption for the Tandem Global Collective readalong thanks to Hachette Australia.
